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Currently, the market is full of many different rock fakes. We give you guarantees of genuine of shungite in our store and safety payments. Above all, we value our customers and try to give you the best service. All our products are made of real shungite only. We are not intermediaries, you receive our authentic shungite directly from us. All our products are made from the shungite deposit in Russia. We control the entire production process. From the delivery of raw shungite stone to the final product.

You can view our shungite certificates of authenticity on this page. These certificates were obtained in accordance with the procedure established by law in Russia and registered. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the results of laboratory research and the chemical composition of shungite. We obtained these results at our Institute of Geology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the city of Petrozavodsk.

Now the market is full of fakes of this rare and unique stone. Shungite-containing rocks are sold in different countries of the world, these rocks are very similar to Russian Stone, but in such rocks there is no unique carbon and fullerenes C60. This product is cheap but has not abilities and authentic Shungite. It is possible to establish authenticity of the real Karelian Shungite only in special laboratory conditions. When you buy Shungite in our store you get a guarantees of authenticity of this rare stone, because you get it directly from the Republic of Karelia, this is the only place on earth where it is extracted.
We give you a guarantees of authenticity and high quality of all our products.