Shungite experience

shungite experience

In this voluminous article, we have tried to collect some scientific research and medical shungite experience that was obtained as a result of controlled research in medical institutions in Karelia, Russia, Petrozavodsk. In other words, the shungite experience that was obtained in the Region of the rock Deposit is presented below. These studies were mainly applies stone paste as well as the infusion stones for water.

Shungite experience gained in various health facilities in Russia

Petrozavodsk state University, Department of hospital therapy, Head of the Department, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor Ignatiev V.

This section presents the shungite experience and results of studying the effectiveness of black rock from Karelia (stone paste are mixture of powder and water). In this case, Russian shungite stone was used for external use in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joints. In this article you can get more complete information about this unique and rare stone from Russia.

Petrozavodsk State University

Group of patients for research

The study included 15 patients with significant knee osteoarthritis with an average disease duration of 5.6 years and an average age of 48.9 years, all women. Two-sided process occurred in 60%, one-sided in 40% of patients. The stage of osteoarthritis was determined radiologically according to the Kellgren-Lawrence classification, 26.7% of patients showed changes in the joints corresponding to stage 1, 46.6% – stage 2, and 26.7% – stage 3 of the process. The severity of pain in the joints was evaluated on the VAS scale, impaired joint function using the Leken functional index.

Shungite experience: the black paste

shungite experience with shungite paste from shungite powder
Paste from shungite powder

During the experimentation process the helaing paste was applied evenly to the area of the affected joint for 24 hours (to obtain shungite experience in order to identify the possibility of side effects) every other day, 5-6 applications to the joint. It should be noted that no other types of treatment were received during the period of using the paste.

14 patients completed treatment with healing stone paste. But 1 patient interrupted the course due to developed skin itching, which may be due to the characteristics of the body. It should be noted that 12 (85.7%) of the patients who completed treatment had a positive dynamics of the course of the disease, which was expressed in a significant reduction or even complete disappearance of joint pain by an average of 50%, and improvement in the function of the affected joints.

Shungite experience in this case did not reveal any side effects of treatment in patients who completed this course using the paste.

In General, the study conducted by shungit experience showed that shungit paste is an effective tool and can be used to treat patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joints.

Shungit experience in the Leningrad regional clinical hospital

In this study, water infusion was used (water infused on shungite stones). In addition, the already known the black paste was used. Shungite experience was obtained in the burn and trauma Department. For 75 days in the Leningrad regional clinical hospital were used shungite paste and shungite infusion.

Water infusion was used in the form of aseptic dressings for a period of 1 day. The paste was applied in the form of applications with an exposure of 30 min. up to 3 hours.

These drugs were used in patients with the following morphological forms:

  1. Thermal burns with a lesion area of up to 40% of the body surface and a lesion depth of up to 3 degrees – 12 people.
  2. Extensive purulent wounds – 22 people.
  3. Trophic ulcers of various etiology and localization – 9 people.
  4. Osteoarthritis of various localization – 16 people.
  5. Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine – 11 people.

A total of 70 people were treated.

Shungite experience in this case has the following results. All patients with the beginning of the use of water infusion and paste have a marked improvement in General health, normalization of body temperature, reduction of pain, good epithelization of wounds, reduction of pericranial edema and hyperemia.
Thus, 80% of treated patients received a favorable result, which indicates the positive properties of these drugs.
Senior resident of the Leningrad regional clinical hospital V. M. Timoshenkov.

Republican hospital of the Ministry of health of Karelia, orthopedic and traumatology Department

Conclusion about shungite experience based on the results of using concentrated shungite infusion.
In the orthopedic Department, a concentrated shungite infusion with a pH of 2.8-3.2 was used for external therapy for a month with the consent of 12 patients with the following pathology:

  • Trophic ulcer of the lower leg — 6 people;
  • Osteomyelitis of the tibia — 5 people;
  • Purulent prepatellar bursitis — 1 person.

The shungite infusion was used in the following ways:

a) Applying a soaked dressing for a day with subsequent change;
b) Applying a soaked dressing with additional impregnation every 3 hours;
c) Three-hour application with a change of dressing every 30 minutes;
d) Washing the fistula passages;
e) Washing the purulent box around the clock using a flow-through aspiration system.

The use of concentrated shungite infusion showed good cleansing of wounds and ulcers from fibro-purulent deposits, reduced granulation, accelerated marginal epithelization, which allowed to achieve epithelization of ulcers in all patients. There was an Erasure of osteomyelitis and a decrease in purulent discharge. A five-day bag wash for purulent prepatellar bursitis quickly stopped the purulent process and prevented the operation.

Deputy chief physician of the Republican hospital for surgery,
The chief trauma orthopedist Mousse V. M.

Petrozavodsk, city polyclinic No. 3

Report on the shungite experience. In this study, the existing shungite experience with shungite paste was applied. Above all, studies were conducted in a group with patients who were diagnosed with various skin diseases.

In recent years, the number of diseases with allergodermatoses has been steadily increasing. Traditional methods of treatment, as practice shows, are not effective enough.

Therefore, the development of new methods of treatment of such diseases is very relevant.
Currently, the antibacterial, antitoxic, antioxidant, and hepatoprotective properties of Russian shungite have been proven.

For the treatment of dermatological pathologies, Karelian doctors tested the paste. All patients had a long-term history of the disease. All patients were repeatedly treated with conventional methods with a temporary effect.

Method of application of shugite paste: wet-drying bandages with paste were applied to the affected area for a day.
During the received shungite experience, it was established that all patients treated with paste had a positive effect. Good therapeutic effect was observed in 55.6%, satisfactory – in 44.4% of patients. As shown by shungit experience in these studies, side effects on the background of the use of paste were not observed as in other cases.

Shungite experience of using shungite baths and pastes for the treatment of patients in the cardiological sanatorium “Chernaya Rechka”, Saint Petersburg

There are 80 patients were treated at the average age of 58 years. Shungite baths were received by patients with hypertension I-II St. Other 35 people, neuro-circulatory dystonia, 5 people – rheumatic polyarthritis and 2 people, eczema of the hands-1 person. Applications of shungite paste were prescribed to patients with arthrosis and arthralgia of large and small joints of the extremities-20 people, osteochondrosis of the spine-17 people.

shungite experience

Stone baths were made every other day lasting 15-30 minutes. Stone paste was applied to the area of the affected joints also every other day.

As a result of treatment with shungite paste, there was a significant improvement and improvement in 100% of cases. In all patients, the joint syndrome disappeared. Portability is good. There were no refusals of treatment. But, it should be noted that shungite experience in this case determined that the effectiveness of treatment with stone baths was not less 74%.

The obtained results of clinical use give reason to believe that the experience gained by the stone in the use of shungite preparations, especially in the form of applications, is very effective and promising.

Results of the use of complex shungite therapy of the HAC.
In 2013, the use of shungite was started in the state medical INSTITUTION “tsvmr “sanatorium rush”

Shungite rooms were built in this medical Wellness center. Patients of this institution visit the room as prescribed by a doctor. Various procedures are assigned.

Shungite baths:

  • Group of 12 people, 8 women, 4 men, age-all older than 45 years, released 3-7 baths.
    Result: all (100%) have a persistent decrease in blood PRESSURE by 15-25 mmHg to normal. Shungite experience in this case showed-Normalization of sleep. In addition, applications of the paste were used for arthritis, arthrosis, knee joints and joints of the big toe.
  • Group of 21 people, 14 women, 7 men, age: up to 45 years-3 people, up to 55 years-9 people, over 55 years-9 people, made 3-7 applications.
    The result of Wellness procedures using Russian shungite stone is as follows. All (100%)patients in this group showed a decrease in skin edema. In addition, there was an increase in joint mobility, elimination of pain.
    This health facility also actively uses products of protective and energy action: shungite belts, knee pads, caps, glasses, and other products, which allows you to reduce the recovery period in the treatment of various diseases.

Russian Military Medical Academy (St. Petersburg): heart disease and shungite experience in EMF protection

Russian stone treatment rooms at the Russian Military Medical Academy (St. Petersburg). The fact is that the walls and floor in it are covered with a magnesian-shungite mixture. In this regard, in such a room, patients with heart problems are more effectively treated according to the observations of the doctors themselves. After all, patients sleep better and their blood pressure normalizes faster. In addition, patients need less drugs.

In addition, the military medical academy has another treatment ward for patient rehabilitation. The walls in it were lined with shungite tiles. The purpose of such a chamber is related to isolation from all electromagnetic radiation. After all, Russian stone possesses the ability to protect against EMF radiation. The success of the ward in treatment was noted by the head of the military medical academy in a letter of gratitude to the head of the Russian stone mining enterprise in Karelia.

Results of the shungite experience

In conclusion, we would like to summarize about shungite experience that has been gained in various different medical institutions, which was obtained in Russia. As a result, clinical trials using shungite stones in the form of paste and infusions in various concentrations and configurations showed the following effectiveness.

Treatment with concentrated shungite infusion:

  • for skin diseases-97%,
  • thermal burns-80%,
  • osteomyelitis-90-100%,
  • purulent prepatellar bursitis – 1 case.

    Shungite paste treatment:
  • skin diseases-100%,
  • for diseases of the joints-85.7-100%,
  • neuralgic diseases-80-100%.

    Treatment shungite baths:
  • for skin diseases-74%,
  • normalization of AD-74-100%.

High efficiency of shungite experience in balneology is provided by four main factors:

  1. Use only original Russian shungite with medicinal properties. Beware of shungite counterfeits.
  2. Carrying out special treatment, significantly enhancing the helpful properties of the Russian rock.
  3. The use of complex shungite stones therapy using old recipes, modern scientific research and many years of working out methods brought to perfection.
  4. No side effects.

To bring maximum benefit we manufacture all our products from authentic stone only. The full catalog of our products is presented on this page. In addition, you can always learn more about the useful properties of Russian shungite stone in this special article.